Koru Designs

This lesson will introduce students to the koru, and look at traditional carved and tattoo designs, as well as those used by modern artists in illustrations and paintings.

You will need:

•  Oil Pastels - Gallery Fluoro Pastels work really well

•  6B or 8B Lumograph Pencil

•  Cartridge paper - white for designs and black for mounting completed image

Specific Learning Objectives

Students will:

•  Become familiar with koru designs

•  Use pastels to blend colour

•  Create their own koru designs using a Lumograph pencil

Let's Get Started!

Discuss with the class where they may have seen the koru designs. Prepare some images to pass around class showing the various cultural and artistic uses of the koru.

Have students practice drawing their own koru designs. Traditional designs should be drawn carefully.

Draw the outline of the shapes that you want to put your design on to. This could be a simple koru design, a native animal or any other subject of interest.

Using oil pastels, colour in your shapes blending colours together. Lighter colours will show off the pencil designs better.

Use the Lumograph pencil to draw your design over the pastel. Try to include a variety of line widths and some solid shapes.

Cut out your shape and mount on black paper or fill the background with dye or contrasting colours of pastel.

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