Walker Maths Numeracy Practice 9780170474474 | OfficeMax NZ

Walker Maths Numeracy Practice 9780170474474

Walker Maths Numeracy Practice is designed to give students essential practice whilst studying towards the new NCEA Numeracy co-requisite. The textbook contains forty sets of questions drawn from a variety of content and process strands. The questions are similar in style and scope to those found in the NCEA assessment. This textbook will help develop mathematical and numerical skills and will give students the confidence to tackle exams. Suitable for use in the classroom or at home. Designed for learners operating at Level 4 or above in the New Zealand curriculum.

ISBN: 9780170474474
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Walker Maths Numeracy Practice is designed to give students essential practice whilst studying towards the new NCEA Numeracy co-requisite. The textbook contains forty sets of questions drawn from a variety of content and process strands. The questions are similar in style and scope to those found in the NCEA assessment. This textbook will help develop mathematical and numerical skills and will give students the confidence to tackle exams. Suitable for use in the classroom or at home. Designed for learners operating at Level 4 or above in the New Zealand curriculum.

ISBN: 9780170474474

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