Max e-Grants

Max e-Grants

Education is recognised as an important factor in a child's healthy development, but for some families, equipping their children with the resources needed for their schooling isn’t easy.

We believe that every Kiwi kid deserves the same opportunity as the next. That’s why we developed Max e-Grants in conjunction with children’s charity Barnardos, to provide grants to individual or small groups of children so they won’t feel isolated or left out of activities due to social or economic disadvantage.

Schools and early childhood centres may nominate children aged from 4 to 18 years old for a grant of up to $5,000. The types of grants we fund are for school books and stationery, uniforms and equipment, special tuition, and subsidies enabling children to join their class on excursions and camps.

Since 2011, we’ve donated $1.56 million through the Max e-Grants programme. And together with OfficeMax, fourteen of our preferred suppliers have offered their financial support to this programme. We’re proud to say we’ve been able to assist 17,377 Kiwi kids enjoy the educational experience they deserve.

If you are a school, kindergarten or daycare centre and know of a disadvantaged child who you would like to nominate for a grant, or if you would like more information about Max e-Grants, visit

Thanks to our generous supplier sponsors:

Max e-Grants 2023 Sponsors

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How we are helping kiwi kids
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