Same, same: Habitual purchasing hindering sustainability progress

31st July 2023 - Switching up reoccurring purchases and driving awareness of sustainability goals through the organisation could hold the key – OfficeMax’s ‘Plastic Free July’ survey*

Stocking up on office supplies is just part of everyday business for thousands of admins, office managers, and business owners, but habitual purchasing could be hindering sustainability progress, according to new OfficeMax research.

Whether it’s copy paper, pens, cleaning supplies or coffee, more than 45,000 packages leave OfficeMax’s two distribution centres every week.

Many of these boxes are packed with office products ordered on repeat, with 72 percent of respondents making the same order time and time again.

OfficeMax’s Sustainability Specialist, Emma Coote, says, “Even small changes in purchasing habits, such as ordering plastic free office products or those with more sustainable packaging, can make a big difference to a company’s emissions and waste profile. Printer paper, which is usually wrapped in plastic, is one example,” she says.

It’s estimated that since 2020, OfficeMax’s copy paper with plastic free wrap has prevented more than 35,000 kilograms** of plastic going into landfill – almost 36 tonnes!

“This makes for a big opportunity! Imagine if even half of those making regular or reoccurring office supplies purchases made one or two changes? The collective impact would be huge,” says Emma.

Sustainable purchasing is already top of mind, with 42 percent of respondents happy to pay more for environmentally responsible office products. However, this isn’t always translating through to small, meaningful changes.

“People are creatures of habit, and purchasing workplace supplies, is usually at the bottom of a long list of priorities whether you’re a small business owner, an office manager or a procurement lead. We don’t always have the time to shop consciously and make alternative purchases,” says Emma.

The survey results indicated that more than one third (36%) of those responsible for purchasing workplace supplies are not sure of their organisation’s sustainability goals, presenting an opportunity for businesses to educate their employees and encourage more sustainable purchasing.

“There are so many fantastic, plastic free alternatives available, and making the switch to eco-preferable office products can be really easy; all it takes is conscious purchasing,” Emma said.

OfficeMax stocks a range of eco-preferable products, as well as products from social enterprise suppliers.

For more information, visit

*OfficeMax surveyed 1,532 people via Perceptive between 13 March and 31 March 2023.
**Assumes copy paper wrap is recycled 100% of the time.

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